#ExchangeForEquality is an international youth exchange project between young people from Berlin / Germany and Nairobi / Kenya. The focus of the project is on SDG5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Through joint online workshops and 16-day visits to Nairobi and Berlin, we explored the realities of life of girls and women in both countries - for example in politics, in the home environment or in education. The participants dealt with what "gender equality" means and what their role can be in achieving real gender equality. Cultural differences in the perception of gender equality were of particular interest.
The participants worked together to develop "digital stories" that reflect experiences on SDG5 in Kenya and Germany gained during the project. As part of the UN "16 Days Against Violence" 2022, these digital stories were published.
The project offered motivated young people from both countries the opportunity to actively participate in the achievement of the SDG5 milestones as part of the Development Agenda 2030.
Main dates of the project:
- Workshop on SDG5 gender equality: January 15, 2022
- Workshop on international travel: January 25, 2022
- Workshop on digital storytelling: February 12, 2022
- Workshop on intercultural communication: March 12, 2022
- Trip to Nairobi / Kenya: April 18th-May 2nd, 2022
- Workshop on gender in the media: June 18, 2022
- Workshop on inspiring stories of girls and women: July 23, 2022
- Visit of the Kenyan group in Berlin: 02.08.-17.08.2022
- Building of digital stories and a project film: September-October 2022
- Participation in the 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence of the United Nations: November 2022
- Launch of own community-based projects by the participants
What happened in the project:
Kickstart of the #ExchangeForEquality project
Encounter trip to Kenya: "Furaha ni kuwa na marafiki" is Swahili for: Happiness means having friends!
Visit of the Kenyan group in Berlin: It's Kenya in Berlin!
16 Days Campaign of the United Nations: Equality Now!
Cooperation partner: IYCS Africa